Disciple Prison Ministry
The goals for the Disciple Prison Ministry are:
- To facilitate DISCIPLE groups in order for all class members to become more biblically literate and spiritually nourished.
- To make more devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
- To educate inmates on how to witness about their faith to others and live as disciples.
- To open the hearts of many congregations to the needs of prison ministry and missions in general. Inmates who attend local churches on passes for worship and other programs have witnessed the breaking down of many barriers, such as race, fear, and misunderstanding that divide God’s people.
DISCIPLE II – Into The Word Into The World, in which persons grow in becoming ministers, missionaries, and makers of disciples.
DISCIPLE III – Remember Who You Are, in which persons grow in becoming prophets who call the Church and Society to be faithful.
DISCIPLE IV – Under The Tree Of Life, in which persons are challenged to radical discipleship and to understand as well as experience their lives as a journey from distrust to trust, moving toward final fulfillment and completion, when they will live under the shelter, love, and security of the Father eternally.
Your participation helps us provide materials to minister and share the Word of God.
Cross and Key Prison
Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 358
Oak Island, NC 28465
Toll-free (855) 980-7400
The lives of both inmates and volunteers are being transformed.
“The need is so great and the work is so hard but doing this ministry gives me the greatest joy.” ~ A Volunteer
Please Join Us
Micah 6:8
“Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God.”