Cross And Key Prison Ministries
“Reconciled through the cross of Christ and set free by the truth of God’s Word.”

Restoring Lives Together
Equipping churches for prison ministry.
Education on criminal justice issues.
Advocacy for reform.
Cross and Key Prison Ministries
Special Sunday Offering August 25, 2024:
Summer is a family time. It is a time to gather with those we love and enjoy nature and simply being together. It is also a time to remember those less fortunate and unable to be with those they love. Among these are the 57,000 men, women and youth held in North Carolina’s jails, prisons, and youth facilities. Since 1999, Cross and Key Prison Ministries has been ministering to prison inmates and their families. First, with the Disciple Bible Study program, and now, with a more comprehensive approach that helps churches of every size become involved in prison outreach.
Each summer, Cross and Key Prison Ministries has a yearly fundraising drive. It all culminates with our special offering on August 25, 2024.
The mission of Cross and Key Prison Ministries is threefold:
1) To Equip Churches for Prison Ministry;
2) Education on Criminal Justice Issues;
3) Advocacy for Reform
Please pray for our ministry and consider a gift to support our mission. An envelope for your gift is enclosed. In Matthew 25:34-36 Jesus said. “Then the King will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my
Cross and Key Prison Ministries
PO Box 358, Oak Island, NC 28465
Click to Give online
Cross and Key Prison Ministries is an Advance Mission Special of the North Carolina and Western North Carolina Conferences of the United Methodist Church.
NCC – # S-00103
WNCC –#110041220
District Prison Ministry Training Events!
This year, Cross and Key Prison Ministries has been providing prison ministry training workshops. Our first workshop was held in the Fairway District at St. Luke United Methodist Church in Sanford on April 14. This workshop was well received and well attended by both laypersons and clergy. Our second event was held in the Capital District on Sunday, July 28 at First United Methodist Church in Cary.
Our plan is to provide training workshops in every district in both the North Carolina and Western North Carolina Conferences over a two-year period. During these workshops, participants are introduced to and inspired by the comprehensive Cross and Key Prison Ministries Toolkit. Participants learn about prison needs in their own areas and opportunities are showcased to enable local churches to begin prison ministry programs.
Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for…I was in prison and you visited me.'” Matthew 25:34-36
Cross and Key Prison Ministries Presents:
Toolkit for Prison Ministry

Support Cross and Key Prison Ministries
Equipping, Education and Advocacy
Cross and Key Prison Ministries is a collaborative ministry of the North Carolina and Western North Carolina Conferences of the United Methodist Church. Our Mission: “Equipping churches for prison ministry, Education on criminal justice issues and Advocacy for reform.”

Cross and Key Prison
Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 358
Oak Island, NC 28465
Toll-free (855) 980-7400
“The need is so great and the work is so hard but doing this ministry gives me the greatest joy.” ~ A Volunteer
Please Join Us
Micah 6:8
“Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God.”